Thursday, October 29, 2009

...wHaT u sHouLd dO..

..I tHinK..

...if u have friends in trouble..
...u should help them..
...if ur friend need some help...
...them help them..
...if u feel uneasy..
...just selawat...
...if u think ur smart enough..
...u just better watch out of the outcome..

...this is just reminder...

...mY fRieNdS..

..iM HaPpy...

sometimes what we think didnt come out as it is...its good have some one next to makes u feel u r friend in need is a friend in deed..hehehe.. i can see da real bond between us...its just like 'aur n tebing'..'isi n kuku'..hehehe..
since this weekend im goin to melaka...for eddied's graduation n doa selamat for his close friends wet to their home..apin had arrived in the evening..mimi is on her way..hopefully her journey will be good n in safe condition..i felt guilty not accompanied her until her bus come since aiza, syirin n rubi were stil in the car..hehehe..but its so k..nothing seemed to be problem... happy becoz it took so long to went out with my rumates...due to differents schudule n to day twice i had been da morning to sent apin..she went home in the morning ... and at nite i sent mimi to da terminal as she also wanted to go home..hehehe..well..its good so that no one will feel alone rite..

to rubi..syirin..aiza...i really wanted to look for the sales..hehehe..since i got no money..'dapat pegang sudah'..hehehe.rite...

i dont noe what r they think about just seemed something wrong..i dont noe..

what ever it happy today...thanx to aiza for accompanied me twice today ..n not to forgot my rumates.rubi n really lok forward to go shopping with u guys..hehehe...
nanti da ade duit ea...

p/s: mama dont be angry for da rojak that i had been made u mama...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

...wHat Life CouLd bE...

...SmiLe n HaPpy aLwayS...

well..some of us didn't notice what is different of one self either through their appearence or their innerside..
one tips for me ask them..nicely n im sure u noe them better after that...
some prefer silence..
nobody is perfect n easy to get along...
m i rite..

in is some sort of sedekah..
in general for makes ourselves happy even other people who see us with smile on our face.

so smile always..
its not just u will be happi but others too..

p/s: dont smile too much or other wise u will be chop as crazy..hehehehe...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

..iM tHiNkiNg oF...

..its better to be silence rather than voice out..

u noe..
what is the meaning of..
diam ubi berisi..
well its can be apply in our daily life..
funny rite..
well its true btw..

just bare with me..
i'll deliver whta m i goin to say one by one..

but rite noe..
im happy with my life.
far away from other people problem...

i just want to stay like this..

KOS PainTball TouRnamenT..

...17th - 18 th october...
..revenge or just game..

paintball tournament had been held to uia fro da 1st time..

the participation was not bad..

brothers n sister are really supportive..
for those 2 days ..
we had a greate time..

..My LiFe...

..days of my life..

every thing is totally change..
nobady what will happen in their life..
wether its goo or bad...
its had been stated in loh mahfuz..
only He noes..
we can only baer n up hold what we had to go through...

for those who had been patient..
stay cool.
n have lots of prayer..
ask for forgiveness...
n please no heart feeling..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

..iM tHiNkiNg oF...

..wHaT LiFe cOuLd bE...

these few days make me crazy a bit..handling with people around me and whose far away..

i keep thinking about my would it be..u noe..every thing is changing...without u relise..u urself change too...

what would it be..if u love some one n u lied to him/her always...if they noe how do u feel...i feel sorry for them..even for myself..

me myself hate people talk lies..da believe n honour that been given wasn't use wisely...

its no use to convince me if u hd been wrong before...don't talk to me if u don't want to...

its true...

just leave me alone..

Monday, October 12, 2009

...spOrTs MaNiaC..

..KoS OpeN PainTbaLL TouRnaMenT 2009...

here is the invitation for my followers n other blogger.. this open tournament will beheld in uia Kuantan for instants event for Kuliyyah of come n joint my frien and i ...there not only this tournament but also other activity will be held in our campus..

if u wanna noe the detail of this competition feel free to contact me at this number 019-65788953..for futher details n any enquirery...

i really hope u guys can participate in this is an event where u can spend the weekwend with ur collegue and family members..bring them to gether n have sure this weekend gonnaa be the best and blast for all of us..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

...EiD gaTheRiNg (072/081/082) 2009...

...RaYa BioTecH...

this was da 2nd time we had this king of gathering....every body enjoy them selves...hehehe...
that was a life as student...instead of searching entertainment out side da campus..event like this connect us...although there still have some 'click' but it wasn't bad...still we cheerich all da moment we had together...

last friday was a very hectic day for every committee members especially me...around 3 o'clock few friends of mine n i went to ecm to bought some gift for da as we entered Living Cabin every body tend to avoiding one ather..coz w didn't want other people to noe what r we goin to give...

after that...we went to k.yeen house to take da cake for da nite...k.yeen thanx a lot .. da choclate moist cake is so time we will order again...

it was late in our way back..well traffic jam in kuantan cant be compared with kl..dude we r totally late...i was late...seriously n no we arrived at da campus.. i just took a shower n then went to Wackos ...fuhhhssss!!!!...

da nite began at 8.30 pm....some were late ...

da eventy began with doa recitation from bro azrul n some speech from our pm abu...n a multimedia presentation ...n we can eat...da menu not so special but every body happy with fully stomach...redang, nasi impit, kuah kacang, satay n some watermelon as desert also cocktail...

hehehe...thwn we come to da gift exchange...its funny when boys got present from gurls..some got taeddy bear...hehehe...da most convinient gift was mug...some got cookies n as mine i got note fav goody...

we also had menganyam ketupat competition n king n queen competition...da king goes to azrul@cipunk n da queen goes to liz...congratez guys both of u deserved it..hehehe...

as committee da work hadn't done yet...its time for cleaning n clearing...huhu..i noe every body was tired but whos gonna do if every body want to leave it just like that..rite...

it very happening n for those who absent...u guys missed da most memorable moment u ur life...

hopefully next raya celebration gonna be more fun n happening...

love u guys...u guys rocks!!..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

...SurViVorS 0105...

...jOuRnEy oF LiFe...

its good to hear from our old friends...just now im checking on my emails...its really interesting...well athough i never attend our batch reunion but all da stories n update connected us trough emails...

i just wanna share with u an email which accidently touch my heart...but before that i gonna wish aina da best for her wedding...aina being a good wife is hard but as long as try da best its all yours...

Re: kene baca tau ! hehe :)
aini razali

i loike this post~! haha

2009/10/8 nuraina mardhiah <>

wsalam & hello..

fansu syg, thanks alot for the email...for the touching ! really2 appreciate it babe..pray the best for me, always need u guys' prayers..
omg, so its true la all along ! is the story u were telling me that day actually about u ?! anyhow, congrats syg..anything that i could help, just lemme noe okay :) muaahss..

yes girls, use that SPREADSHEET okay ? if bole, sebelah address tu letak uni (address) kita..sbb we kinda lost track of each others (certain je la) kan? thankssssssss !

From: Fansurina Ramli <>
Sent: Thu, October 8, 2009 6:19:00 AM

Subject: Re: kene baca tau ! hehe :)

assalammualaikum et salut tt le monde.
[ATT: this email ayatnya berbunga. boleh tak baca. tp ayna kena baca.]
congratulations ayna. kau mendahului kami, melangkah ke satu alam yang baru, yg aku kira mesti bermacam ragamnya.
ayna dear,
menjadi isteri tidak seperti menjadi awek atau teman wanita semata-mata.
menjadi isteri lebih dr tu.
menjadi isteri,
bererti kita memberi sepenuh komitmen, mesti belajar berkongsi hidup dan pendapat dalam semua skill kehidupan.
sekejap lagi, kau bakal mengurus bukan satu tapi sudah menjadi dua insan yang bersatu kerana kasih di atas izin-Nya yang sudi menakdirkan kau dgn lelaki tersayang. :) .
jadi, siapkan dirimu sahabat.
sediakanlah dirimu untuk sentiasa menjadi tongkat memandu suamimu yang kadang kala tentu terbuta matanya, menjadi penawar hati penyejuk hati sang arjuna, menjadi teman setia dan menjadi pengingat andai kata dia terlupa. bersama-samalah mencari keberkatan Sang Pencipta untuk hubungan mu. simpankan pandangan dan hiasan dirimu khas untuk dia, sama ada dia ada mahupun tidak. (dia slalu outstation kan?)

semoga jodohmu panjang dan membawa ke syurga.
umpama cinta khadijah kepada muhammad.
umpama cinta fatimah kepada ali
anyway kawan². pasal tunang tu, sebenarnya half true half tipu. ^^.
ngeh. [tlg jgn kecoh kt fesbuk, plz.]
me too. im preparing. =). aku serahkan bulat-bulat pada yang Maha Esa saja buat masa ni.

so what do u think...a friend step up to da next level of da life....congratulation to her...

Friday, October 9, 2009

...PubLic sPeaKiNg...


every body love it not to mantion..most of us...

some people said its not good for our health but scientifically its good..


if ur not beleive what m i saying..follow me to leadership class tomorrow 4pm...hehehe..well its normal to have class on weekend..i det used to it..

what to do had to...hehehe...

Monday, October 5, 2009

...wHaT a Day!!..

...sRc'S mInI spOrT CarNiVaL...

its been a long time im not playing netball..well once the opportunity comes its not a waste to accept it..hehehe

last weekend i went to uia gombak for src's mini sport felt like being in school were da era of happiness n successness of being netball player...thanx to zati n all team mates for giving me this golden apportunity...its just like my dream come true ...hehehe...

the pain is still there...i have to go for further knee...oh god how can i explain that...only he knows..

i have a greate time there..its not only about da game but also meeting old friend of mine...who is also my ex-rumate..naza...thanx so much for letting me stay in ur room...n giving me ride for kfc n to da sport complex..i donno when we will meet for now thanx for every gonna miss u so much...

hire some of the pics at the uia gombak...

Friday, October 2, 2009

...HuMaN BeiNg..

..miSS pLaceD Or caReLeSs...

its true rite...instead of miss placed it must be careless....

this is the story of my friend..every time we went out together thins incident gonne be happen....

1st incident : alamak mane kunci kete...jap2..ain kunci kete x de....
2nd incident : phn kite kite da mskkn dlm kite tukar bakul..kite ingt da msk dlm poket suar....

whta do u thing is she really miss place or careless...she is not clumsy but sometimes over careful....

moral of the story ...
1 - never text anybiody when u do shopping..
2 - make sure ur belongings are with u..
3 - always bare in place have lots of "pjg tagn people"

p/s: for her..i didnt meant to display this post without any purpose...just want to share...may be u n other people will take note on these incident...sorry if i break ur heart...


...liFe iS geTtiNg mOre bUsy..

midsem cell n tissue culture already is just few weeks..lot of assignment still in chipsmore...kejap ade kejap x de..hehehe..

assignment leadership still searching da info about Barack Obama...he's nice actually..hehehe....although a new comer as a big leader..i think he gonna face lots and lots abstacle..

eap aka term a nightmare...frustrated gell...u noe we noe that its our fault not text her about our unsent ontro nbut least look at them ..but as we entered her office she told us 'im not gonna check on ur ibntro n u only can proceed with u arguement 1 n 2...sent da 1st draft on 12th oct n them come for consultation'....PERGHHHHH!!!!!!.....sakit hati ...

genetics tutorial dr.zulq...not even 1 ques had been nite struggle... :P

thanx got sunday no class..but i had to leave kuantan for netball game in gombak..."KUALA LUMPUR.....AKU DATANG!!!"( cheh mcm dalam KL Menjerit plakss..)