Saturday, March 27, 2010

..cRaCy tHiNg..


hehehe..something goin wrong with me today..donno..may be i always takes thing really worries..but somw times i feel that was kind of weird..u noe..seeing my frens really struggling for da exam n i still have time for my self ..n not for those notes...
well im happy coz i had what i want today..a perfume n a novel..hehehe..mama n papa..thanx for da money..sorry i use it for buying those thing..but i really cannot help it...

...cherished..silky girl...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

..mOviEs oF Da NiTe..

...iS iT rEaLly reLeaSinG...

hehehe..i dont noe what m i doin for da rest of da day..but since i woke up from good sleep this evening...i started to add blog entries for my devoted novel..hehehe..not devoted ...but beloved novel which r in my u wanna se it check out this

im sure u guy will be shock looked at my list of book...its not 'joubour'..but some of my madness..hehehe..i just cant stand looking at those displayed novels in book stores...

after that..i started watching movies...da first movie of da day is My Name is KHAN...really n truly dedicated those movie to all muslim n american about the truth of islam...

then i watch Adnan Sempit..hehehe..he just not sempit at all but full f emotion n never looked down upon people...i love that..hehehe...

so that was my day after protein final paper..i dont wanna talk about it bcoz i feel stupid..really stupid...huh!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

...pRoTeiN BioTecH...(ParT 2)


4th lecture...precaution when handling protein...proteolytic degradation - protein broken apart by proteases that come from lysosome where by when cell disrupted lysosome breaks n release protease which can damage the other protein thus minimized the activation of protease to avoid protealysis, oxidation - sulfur group from cysteisine undergo oxidation forming disulphide bond that are not normally presence n by reducing agent like dithiothreitol or beta mercaptoethanol was added to prevent undesirable disulphide bond, dilution - protein stick to surface by reducing available activity so to prevent significant loss not store dilution solution for too long..fractional salt precipitation - method for concentrating the protein as well as crude separation from other protein..every protein has their own solubility limits bcoz solubility affected by concentration of da protein of interest, pH n temperature... column chromatography is a revolutionary event in protein separation for obtaining da pure protein...different kind of chromatography depends on size of protein, net charge, specific ligand binding properties n hydrophobicity...column chromatography has 2 type of components which are solid phase n liquid phase..basic step is that da sample is loading, washing and then elution...
gel filtration chromatography - a.k.a molecular sieve chromatography / size exclusion chromatography...stationary/solid phase separate protein based on size n shape..volume of bufer required to elute a specific protein depends mostly on molecular weight of the protein n shape play important role so elution process need to follow hydrodynamic volume...
ion exchange chromatography- charged group covalently attached to stationary phaseeither +ve / -ve...protein bind to da matrix by electrostatic interactions..this interaction depends on net charge on da protein n salt concentration of da buffer...higher net charge more sticky to da opposite matrix n higher salt concentration required to elute it from column...
cation exchange - matrix has -vely charge groups
anion exchange - matrix has +vely charge groups
liquid chromatography - hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) n reverse phase chromatography (RPC)...separation that exploit the hydophobic or non- polarity properties of protein n molecule...high performance liquid chromatography - high pressure pumpng overcome the resistance to flow through requires non-compressible resins n strong column which then resulting quicker than conventional gravity flow column, achieve better separation of closely similar compound, the resolving power increase with column length n powerful n versatile form of chromatography ..

5th lecture...protein electric field protein or other charge molecule will move with velocity depends on direction of the charge n inversely on its size n shape..pH is important to determined the net charge..
gel electrophoresis - carried out supporting media with pores that big enough to allow passage of macromolecule..electric charge is applied to molecule moves forward electrode opposite to their charge but slow down by gel..larger shape move slowly while small molecule moves faster..proteins in gel easy stained for detection due to the net charge n molecular weight..
discontinuous gel electrophoresis - 2 gel layer ; lower resolving gel, upper stacking gel ; buffer used to separate 2 gel layers of different ionic strength n pH.; staking gel has lower acrylamine concentration so pore size is larger..
sodium dodecyl sulfate - poly acryamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) - a variant of electrophoresis in which the buffer contains SDS, a detergent bind to the protein... sample need treatment which are B-mercaptoethanol (no sulphide bond) n heating to ensure complete unfolding n complete separation of different polypeptide..large -ve charge resulting bound of SDS masks the native charge on the protein so all protein have essentially da same charge to mass ratio n same shape..rate of movement depends only m.w of individual polypeptide chain...protein mobility inversely proportional to da log of the mass of individual polypeptide chain...function to estimate purity, determined molecular weight of individual polypeptide subunits n purification of small amount of polypeptide for sequence analysis
isoelectric focusing - separation based on isoelectric point (PI) on charge gradient set up first n the mixture of molecule is applied electric field is turn on n each protein moves to position of net charge at zero...
2D electrophoresis - isoelectric in 1st dimension n followed by SDS-PAGE at 90 degree to 2D..
protein primary structure determination - amino acid sequence, nucleotide sequence, amino acid residues n sequence comparison of protein...important of amino acid side chain; hemoglobin is the oxygen transport protein in blood which presence in oxy / deoxy, mutant hemoglobin are known to exist, sicle cell hemoglobin...amino acid composition- fundamental characteristics of any protein which total acid hydrolysis that consist of aqueous acid n amino acid in hydrolysate quantitated using ion exchange...
amino acid sequence determination - amino terminal residue n edman degradation...amino terminal residue (NH2) can be determined by derivatization of whole peptide or protein with either 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene FDNB or reagent that gve fluorescence acid - derivation N-terminal residue , y-amino derivatives...Edman degradation - only one residue at a time from amino N-terminal can be chemically derivative, removed n identified...repeated step derivation...steps; coupling, cleavage, conversion n sequencing...problem; when proteolysis has been accomplished the peptide separated n sequenced - solution ; sequence of 2 different cleavage methods r examined for overlaps...

6th lecture...affinity chromatography...based on specific ligand binding to protein of interest ...affinity ligand covalently attach column material, ligand can include; substrate analogs, inhibitors, natural n artificial ligand, cofactor, metals, binding proteins n anythings that utilize biologically for genetically engineered protein n fusion protein...column preparation include; ligand attach to matrix, linker or spacer arms, matrix uncontaminated, covalent attachment n binding should be specific...elution - buffer containing free ligand or destabilizing binding or make it weak by change pH/ionic strength n chaotropic/ denaturing agents...common example of affinity systems ; immunoaffinity chromatography - antibody specific for protein used to purified specific protein n immobilised metal affinity column (IMAC) - fusion protein with polyHis tags, can be purified in column n imidazole group on the end of the recombinant protein bind with high affinity...

...pRoTeiN BioTecH...(ParT 1)

..wHaT acTuaLly m I sTudyiNg...

1st lecture...was about protein structure..well as we already knew protein have 4 types of structure ..primarily - consist of amino acid, carboxyl group, nitrogen group, hydrogen atom and chiral carbon...two protein bind together with peptide bond and forming dihedral angle which known as torsion angles either psi / phi..da bond and angle are fairly invariant in the knowing da protein structure by Ramachandran blot...secondary - the present of alpha helix and beta sheet (parallel or anti-parallel)..tertiary - at this stage protein start to folding due to the structure of protein become tightly packed bcoz water was excluded from the this phase protein only can be stabilized mainly by hydrophobic forces but ionic interaction and hydrogen bond also play apart..protein folded forming motif which da protein r identical or unindentical more dense and form domain...quaternary - protein consist of more than one domain and becoming more complex...these domain basically bind together by disulphide bridges and were stabilised with the present of hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic effect,electrostatic interaction...

2nd lecture...we were learned about protein production for biotech...heterologous protein product by biological diversity, variety of post-translational modification and rotein expression which posibbly by bacteria, yeast, insect,and mammals or cell free system..there some critera for protein to be selected which are scale, cost, application, drug screening and therapeutic uses and also include bacteria for expression which is commonly uses, more economical, require simpler expertises can be automated...the common bacteria used are; ecoli, pseudomonas, bacillus and rhodobacter spheroids...the challenges faced by doing all these are membrane protein is da key to processes n comprise da major drug, structural n functional very hard to produce n cytoplasmid n periplasmic volume is 30 X greater than membrane volume for typical cell..
rhodobacter - a strategy to produce membrane protein, advantage : organism can be engineered to provide coordinated synthesis of foreign membrane protein with synthesis of new membrane that can incorporated...
yeast expression system (similar ti bacteria) - transformation of yeast by integration into yeast genome, propagation as episome n as artificial chromosome..elements for transformation include ARS - autonomous replicating sequence, 2u - the 2 micron circle origin/ origin of replication, Cen - centromere..there are 3 types of yeast vector; integrative plasmid - introducing gene into yeast chromosome, centromeric plasmid - contain yeast centromere n low copy number , episomal plasmid - called 2 micron n have high copy vectors in yeast..advantages; - high yield n high productivity, chemically defined media, stable production strains, durability n lower protein production cost...product produces same as bacterial system ;- post translational modification, yeast have cellular organelles n intracelular n extracellular expression....
baculovirus expession system - infect primarily insect cell, insert up to ~20kb, save for human consumption, approved for therapeutic uses...suitable for production of eukaryotic protein n proper folding and post-translational modofication...vectors are commercially available..problem occur by baculovirus ; slow generation n protein processing not similar to human cell...
mammalian expression system - transformed of cell lines n resource...American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) saves the immortalised cell lines for long term production...but the cell lines will transfected with the expression construct n selected for recombinant production...common cell lines ;- chinese hamster ovary(CHO), green monkey kidney (COS), human embryonic kidney (HEM) n etc...probs occur : high cost, complicated technology n fear of potential animal viruses to human...
expression in transgenic plant - plant cultivation..since the conventional farming obtained low production..protein can target at specific stage of fear for human pathogens good for pharmaceutical proteins...produce high value of protein..
transgenic animal - large scale production of eukaryotic protein..generation n characterization same like plant (need time n cost)..inheret advantage from eukaryotic protein processing..pronuclear micro injection of somatic transfer for mammary gland of cows, sheeps n goat also for transgenic chicken/egg of shorten life cycle...
cell free expression system - uses cell extract from various organisms containing ; transcription n protein components like cofactors n ATP cytosolic components...this system give advantage in terms of ; easily automated and scalable , flexibility for manipulation of condition for desired protein and possible for toxic protein..problem is the cost to develop the exact complexity of cellular system...

3rd lecture..methods for extraction protein...mechanical methods ; grinding, homogenizer or sonication or by using enzymatic method...da most common types for mechanical method are shear forces, homogenizer n french press...for enzymatic method is very gentle n specific means to disrupting the cells to release their contents..example for enzyme in used are lysozyme - bacteria cell wall, lyticase/chitinase - yeast n cellulose - plant...regularly osmotic shock been used by cytosolic outburst due to the entrance of water from out side cell into da cell...the second step is that clarification of extract...filtration n centrifugation ... third step is that protein purification...the purified must be possible in few steps n short a time..the target uses are therapeutic uses, industrial uses n structural uses...the sources of protein are eukaryotic n prokaryotic ( native; expressed constitutively by organism / recombinant; expressed from plasmid that has been transformed into host cell)..assay for protein include; colonrimetric/direct spectrophotometric - determine concentration, SDS-PAGE - determine homogeneity at each step n m.w of pure protein, enzyme assay- either disappearance of [S] / formation of [P], either one gives good spectral handle...
concentrating protein - important; low amount of enzyme, dilute form, extraction resulting loss of enzyme, easy to handle in small volume, easy assay at high concentration...concentration methods ; freeze drying - removal of water from a sample n keep under low temperature n under go sublimation , dialysis - diffusion of solutes through semi permeable membrane at different concentration of 2 solutes, salt precipitation - water soluble n their solubility as a function of ionic strength n pH of solution, ultrafiltration - pallet redissolved in low salt buffer since different protein have different distint characteristics.., etc...
purification - removes as much as contaminating protein as possible..caculate to now the efficency of the purification by specific activity X (% of yield / 100) ...protein characterization include molecular weight which can be determined by electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), gel filtration n ultracentrifugation , isoelectric point ~ isoelectric focusing , spectroscopic propertieslike uv visible spectroscopy, absorbance spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy n NMR spectroscopy, determination of primary structure by inference n chemical method and lastly complete 3D structure by x-ray difraction n NMR...

Monday, March 22, 2010

..sEm 2..2009/2010..

..FiNaL eXaM ScHeDuLe..

# protein Biotech - wed, 24th march #
# Halal & haram - mon, 29th march #
# enzymology - tues, 30th march #
# Biotech, Laws & Ethics - thurs, 1st apr #
# basic Genetic Engineering - sat, 3rd apr #
# philosophy of science - sun, 4th apr #

Sunday, March 21, 2010

..kOs faMiLy dAy 2010..


...the family of magenta...

it such a waste i didnt manage to join them together...huhuhu..this valueable time may not be happen again since my beloved senior wont be here for next year..huhuhuh...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

...LiGhT NiTe..

...sOo cOoL n HaPpy...

actually da main objective i went out this evening was goin to visit bear bcoz she was admitted yesterday...due to high blood pressure..i was really shocked when i 1st heard it..coz i thought that i heard her voice in the evening when i was on da way to badminton rite now she is ok..n discharged just now...

special dedication to bear, ...bear take care ok...

after that fara n i went to megamall..we went to book festival organised by Popular book usually im only interested in novels..hehehehe...fara looked so motherly..she bought exercise books for her brother n her cousin who will be takin UPSR this year..

then we went to TC..hehehe..its been so long..since it was raining lightly in da beginning...we went to TEratak..still remember...da one with lots n lots of memories....yeah..i met abg.ghani n k.sal...we had dinner n exchange story with them...

the rain stopped n we walk by the sea...its so cold n can i describe...i bums into amir n najmi..hehehe..they only sit by the sea...

time running very fast when u feel happy n cherish the moment...midnite coming so we dont want any argue from pak guard fara drove as fast as she can..

i feel so easy n have fun...since with all pressure by doin bge report which not done yet...

but its worth it...

Friday, March 19, 2010

...BioTech GaLaniTe...


i was frust...

y bcoz da one who should be talk / lecture / scold didnt came at all..

they had some sort of event..but then what to do...

selamat la..daripada kene goreng..

1st n for most it was good so that the committees n myyself can improved our self in da up coming program...

we discuss the problems and solution that occured during our function which is Biotech Galanite..heehehehe...

congratulation all committees and guests who come to our function n make it happened...

lots of things we can learn form this like how to handle each bureaus and soft some minor misunderstanding....

we got good feedback n support n a request to do it again each 2 months..hehehehe..we were really honored... thanx to all...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

...KOS BadMinTon TourNamenT (dUo)...

...JusT LucKy or qAda'&qAdaR..

hehehe...its nice to get involved in spot tournament or carnival...

so lis n i entered Kos Badminton Tournament for pair it was da first we just entered for fun..but at the end it turn up like wanna be the winner..

so we just got 4th place...da champion were alia n yaya...1st runner up aina n hazimah...2nd runner up were anis n was so fun n tremendous..

at first we were divide into 2 group which we were playing in league...then we got reunner our next match, we met aina n hazimah..hehehe we lost...the for last match we met anis n zufika...we lost again...

but overall we had so much fun n it helped me to relax n fulfill my leisure time instead of wathing videos...hehehe...

*cannot wait for KOS Family Day this Sunday..yeeepeee..*

...BioTecHnoLoGy StuDenTs...

...BioTecH GaLaNiTe 2010...

great event n great show..but intro gimmick didn't work out..huhuhu so sad...

last Monday nite we da 2nd n freshies of biotech held a biotech galanite as our appreciation to our beloved 4th year senoirs who will be left us for new life..

this function was held by da theme "ala kampung"..n da decoration did by me..after all...da talent n gift by Him is so valuable although the field that im takin rite now was not da same as art..

hehehe...for da 1st time i wore kebaya hehehe.. i guess no body realised it since i was like chipsmore..ehhee..da function run smoothly although we had difficuties with PA System...but alhamdulillah with all support n cooperation was worth it...

thanz to abe, shahir n hasne for being da mc n make our program happening...hehhehehe...all so to our specially guest haziyamin, dr.jalal, dr.raj n our beloved k.siti n not to forget sis fiza our lab demo..hehehe it was nice n thanx for spending some time with us..hehhehehe..'i dont noe y m i here today but its a good thing that i can meet all of u'...its da beginning of his speech..hehehehe..well its wort it though..with minang cuisine n air kelapa pandan originally from its shell...

da performance was awesome n very enjoyable...da 1st year only gives slide show...well since they are not many...its ok...da 2nd n 3rd year they combined together...hehehe...rasa sayang song really catchy n lawak giler babe!!!!...of course da performance from da 4th year as expected really smart n i really love it...they came out with a video clip.. i was like whao!!! cool dude...ehehehe...

after hardworking...we manage to organized this function..we learnt from mistakes... so in future we never do it again n beware of all those probs...

till then..

*what m i doing during my 1st year...????*

...Bio TecH YouTh CamP...

...mEeTinG...mEeTinG...LaTa BeLaTan...

..hehehhe..although the program had sort of excited to spilled out...

but 1st about the meeting...
hehehhe..trip was the 1st one been held for our kind of leisure n relaxing activities for us..n in da same time we will strengthen our bond n make up our da meeting we can see credibility of each one of da committee who is my friend...u noe initial judgment could be not true at all...

so it comes to da real program...

i went home at first...n wait for them there at Lata Belatan..,huhu it such a long hour that my sister n i soaked in the water..hhehehhe...the water fall is really cool..arrggggghh..u cant imagine how i felt...

hehehe..then when they arrived i had to leaved mama n ilah...papa, emi n ali will came at the evening...

after we gathered, da 1st activity that took place was explorace.. hehhehe..since da place was new we had to climb the rock n dive in da water...da 1st check point we had to search few words or da game was cross puzzle...2nd check point is fill up water into a bottle n then play hoollla hhooop...hehehehe...da last check point we had to get a flag..which we required to dive n swim towards it..finally our group that consist of syuk, imad, aman, enie n i...we got the 1st place though..hehehehe....

da nite show was da one who was da never happend before...seriously...da performance done by all group was superb...hehehehe...there was also award giving for selected here came da winner...

da next morning, we got jungle was so hard for me since i got no stamina at was such a long way...we walked for 2 hours...climb up and down..follow water fall alley..n da best part was crossing over the molt da most hardest im leading the way of course pak ajis was da one who led us...hehehe..

then we had a santai time..fro an hour and then we had to pack bubye lata belatan with all sweet memories n nice moment together...

heehehhe.. post not finished yet..

so on da way back we stop at a stall for buying keropok lekor hehehe..this food really famous n of course its delicious n just light beverage...we also took some pics since da stall is opposite the ocean..what a nice view..=)..

n then we stop at kuala terengganu coz we wanna go to pasar payang..for those who never reach this place was kind of excited n fascinating..not bcoz of da food n da goodies...but da price was too cheap n very unexpected...hehhehee...hire u can see my friend who love shopping..hehehehe..came with empty hand but back with full hand...

so we arrived late at nite...

hopefully next time we will have this kind of trip again...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

...sorry... just me n myself..

after all pains and ignorence..i just can wait..may not like da vocano all over da world which were keep goin to vomit their own larvar....

what can i do then..
im just too tired for all this kind of things...

for those related 1000 of apologize from me...
im not just me n myself..

n i standing on earth n know what i wish to now...

Friday, March 12, 2010 last...

...its good ..

i feel good that my tenet is in good..
but lots of thing to do..

Monday, March 1, 2010

.sHoOT..lame nyer..


huhuhu..hello..long time huh..
hehehe.i got lot of stories to tell u all..wait for them n bear with me k..

*meeting lata belatan
*lata belatan
*home sweet home
*unforgettable news*
human nowaday sooo mean
*im in pain

those are da titles of stories which i will write soon..wait n read later k..

p/s: huhuhu rite now tngah bertabah sakit paha..muscle teared coz of jungle tracking last weekend..