Saturday, February 19, 2011


...iS iT sO daMn pRiceLeSs?????...


since i was so buzy to post new post so here sum up..most of da things that happened to me...

15 February 2011...

i went to chini lake for taking some sample for biodiversity lab..what to a must for all environmentalists to take sample and identify all those sample and make a count to all species that can be found there...its too many but alhamdulillah we managed to have some of them...chini lake is too big.. the locals introduced us to 12 'laut' which actually da name that the 'org asli' called that lake...some of the lake had its own story time i will tell u about it...the trip was so tiring...we had canoe as for taking sample in the lake and its surroundings...after we had our lunch, we went back to college and enter da lab to keep the sample and few of them we preserved was so wonderful n i really love da environment...

16 February 2011
despite a long journey from chini lake..i had EOP exam..huh!!!...''love'' it... 

17 February 2011..
if u think i crazy yeah it was it then...class from 3pm to 6pm ..really challenge my patient....aaarrggghhhh.....
what to do...its my duty to attends all those lectures...its really time constrained..and at nite i had taekwando again..all my muscles ache...and my knee..i dont noe its condition...i fell down again..unconsciously..huhuhuhu..may be its time for me to stop..but i dont noe...its too hard to leave to responsibility just like that...if u in my place what should u do?...

18 February 2011

i cant sleep da whole nite coz i was afraid that i would be overslept...4 oclock in da morning...went to iium gombak to attend Environmental Law & Policies ''special'' was so exciting bcoz it was da 1st time we met ur lecturer face to face..huhuhuhuhu.=)...she was so kind hearted and simple...just like we saw in video conference...hehehee...we had a short lecture...some games or team work with law to noe each other and had lunch to gether..the most exciting part for me was i got to met exrumate at pj...hehehehe..naza miss u babe..too bad i didnt had chance to meet my college friends..may they were not around at that time..huhuhuhu..then around 8 we departed from iium gombak to ium kuantan..huhuhuhu..the journey taken place in village the road not like in high way..i dont noe why..but its ok as long as we were safe...

so that t for now..huhuhuhuhu...cant write long or elaborate more coz i have another 2 mid term papers awaiting for me next week..wish me luck...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

...haPpy BirThdaY to Me..

...23 yEaRs oF LiviNg...

tomorrow will be my day of birth...
as 23 years passed..
i've been through lot of things...
sadness, loneliness, happiness...
being a student and also a daughter..
its da hardest thing or roles to play..

in future...
i wanna be more precious to other people surrounding me...
especially to my love ones...

thanx for all those presents..
i really2...
appreciate all of them..
insyaallah i'll wear them...if its necessary...


'ain happy birthday!!!'

Sunday, February 6, 2011

...miSsing Home...

..DidN't eVen fEel tHe hoLs aT aLl ... huhuhuhu..

just 3 days n 3 nites at home..
da shortest hols ever...huuu..

papa..mama..kakak miss u both...
only my heart can exclaimed what in side me..