Tuesday, July 28, 2009


...da 1st aCtiViTy of Da SeM...

hehehe..actually its not really da first activity of da new sem..well its like da start of my life as second year biotech student and "senior".. hehehe..

yesterday it was so hectic..y? ..coz in da begining we decided not go for an outing but since da day b4 yerterday we cnt go out so we tpped it up..

it was fun ..during lunch hour about 12 noon we went to Berjaya Megamall..heheh..i bought new sport shoes.its like as revenge for my ........bcoz not telling me any thing.. again i dont like to be left behind...

we ate McD..hehehe...then we had to go back bcoz there some body wanted to rent da car that we hads rented....next time i wanna bring my own car hahahaha...

that evening apin n i went to Taman Bandar..as planning we should jog...but hahaha.. since its da first time ...we only jog a bit and then do some light training...as for today i have to go for taek wan do trainning....

then too bad for me ...last nite i had a replacement class for EAP which stand for english for academic perposes...we only discussed either we can use da topic given or not..for me its actually quiet complicated...i cant imagine how is it my term paper can be.....

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